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Pasig Brunch Outreach

The grounds of Barangay San Miguel is partially soaked. Still muddy from the water that firefighters used to extinguished the blaze that ravaged this neighborhood on the night of May 19th 2021. The people of these slums have fought daily to survive even before the pandemic loomed in the back of everyone’s minds. For them, hunger and thirst is a bigger challenge than an invisible enemy lurking for over a year now. They are resilient, with signs of hope visible through the new structures in the area. But the still-standing burnt walls and trees are a reminder that the whole town still needs help.

Fresh from the success of Batch5 a week before, 1in3out decided to do a last-minute outreach to help some of the people of Tambakan. Focusing on the kids of the neighborhood, we gave them some mask, vitamins, and hot soup. Most of all, we wanted to give them some sign of hope, and a reminder that there are people out there willing to help them.

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